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Baby Boy Name Starts with Letter B

Boy Names Starts with the alphabet B is here...

Boy NameMeaning
BaThree; Third; Mother; Honest
BaabarVariant of Babar: Lion. King of jungle.
BaadarDerived from Jujube Tree
Baadidistinct evident plain
BaadiyahName of a sahabiyyah, Desert
Baahiglorious magnificent
BaahirDazzling; Brilliant; Variant of Bahir: Dazzling. Brilliant.
BaahubalPower / Strength of Arm
BaahubaliFighter; Stronger; Strength; One who has Strength in his Arms
BaahulManifold; The Month of Kartik; Fire; Son of Shakya Muni
BaahuleyAn Epithet of Karttikey
BaahuliName of a Son of Vishvamitra
BaahuShaktiStrong Armed
Baakofirst born
BAALmeaning unknown
Baal-ZebubLord of the fly
BaalaChild, A young girl, Vigour, Strength
BaalaadityaRisen sun
BaalaajiLord Vishnu
BaalaarkThe rising sun
BaalagopaalKrishna, Baby Krishna
BaalajSpringing / Produced from Hair
BaalajiAnother Name for Lord Vishnu
BaalanLittle Boy
BaalathA rejoicing; our proud lord
BaalayyaComedy King
BaaldevA Young God
BaalenYoung Child
BaaleshYoung Child
BaaliMy idol; lord over me
BaalighMajor, Eloquent, Learned, Vivid
BaalimIdols; masters; false gods
BaalisA rejoicing; a proud lord
BaalkrishanYoung Krishna
BaalveerStrong; Powerful
BaalyaChild-like; The Crescent Moon


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